
Andy Lampert

Get ready...

Andy Lampert is a Songwriter/Musician from Rhode Island.  His songs are heavily influenced by 60's and 70's rock and roll.  Andy takes these influences and writes a unique brand of catchy Power Pop that will grab you, rock you, and make you want to sing along!

Andy Lampert, the Rhode Island based singer/songwriter, who’s back and better than ever, with a new lease on life as a solo artist reinventing the glam-leaning, over the top rock of the 1960s and 1970s for a whole new audience. (Elmore Magazine)

If you have a hankerin’ for the bygone era of power-pop, there’s a local artist you may want to take a listen to. You know what I’m talking about: jangly chords, bluesy riffs and hooks that dig in deep. (Motif Magazine)

With a sound that is reminiscent of both Alex Chilton and the cheekier side of UK powerpop, Rhode Island artist Andy Lampert is not lacking in wry humor. (Pop Matters)


After years of playing in bands that didn't work out, Andy decided to go start writing and performing on his own.  Sometimes he is joined by some friends as "The Andy Lampert Band", and sometimes he performs with just a guitar and a dream.  So far he has recorded two releases: "10 Songs of Pain" and "The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack".  These titles are available for streaming on any sites that stream music.

At this time Andy is writing songs and looking forward to getting into the studio for his next release!  

Andy Lampert wants to Rock the World!  Everyone with Ears must listen!

Are you ready?